Site news


Sorry all for the lack of posting and blog-reading lately.  This show, and this job, have kept me quite busy lately.  The blog hasn’t been a high priority when I do have time so it kind of just slid to the backburner.  Anyway, as you can see I changed themes again and got rid of the old now-outdated title.  The problem is I can’t think of a new one right now.  While subbing was the focus of this blog at one time, I don’t want to have my car photographer job replace it as the focus.  I am also a 4th/5th grade leader, a sometimes actor/singer, and am interested in retrogaming even if I don’t play games much anymore.  Well, if anyone has ideas feel free to comment.

I like the changing background, and I was looking for a way to add my own, but have not so far been successful.  Anyway, you can change the background yourself by clicking on one of the little icons at the top.  Otherwise, it chooses a random one each time you visit.

4 thoughts on “Site news”

  1. Can’t think of a title right now either… maybe a suggestion will come to me. I like the new theme, and I’m always happy to read any updates about your life, no matter how brief.
    Oh, and I like the ‘I’m done, post it’ button!

  2. Personally, I like the new title. I think the fact that the title in itself is an oxymoron makes it fascinating. But then, I have a strange sense of what is appropriate.

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