Moving AGAIN!


Three months after we first move to Maumee, Tony and I are moving again.! It is time for us to have  a place of our own again, and though it was hard to find a place that would except four cats, we found a couple. We are still close to my family and I love the place. And…not only will Tony and I have a place to ourselves once again, we will finally be on the same shift! After three months of never seeing my husband except for a few hours a day because of opposite shifts, we have been put on the same shift. It might  have had something to do with me telling the supervisor that we were moving and that we only had one car.

Tomorrow is the big moving day, we have gotten most of our stuff back into boxes. Well, what we had unpacked. Most of our things were put into storage, since we are currently staying with my sister and her husband. My cats and their animals are not getting along very well, even after three months! Padme, the baby of our family, has gained a lot of weight since we moved here. She has started eating so much  more since we moved in and we think it’s because she is stressed and that she is eating more also because one of the dogs keeps eating her kitty food! She has to save her food from the “stupid” dog! 🙂 Once we move, we are tinking about having set food time to see if that helps, if it doesn’t get any better.

Finishing the packing and then heading to bed is the goal once Tony gets home. Too bad, I won’t have internet for a week. Hope to get back on and find plenty of support from my friends! 🙂

5 thoughts on “Moving AGAIN!”

  1. Yes, this sounds great! It’ll be wonderful for you to have a place of your own again, and also to get to spend more time as a couple! Best wishes on your move! And best wishes for Padme to feel better!

  2. I’m glad you will be able to spend more time together. Hopefully your kitties are ok with another move. I hope the move goes ok too. Good luck with everything.

  3. Sounds like a certain other couple I know- Rockford, IL; Lincoln, NE; Pioneer, OH (among other places) but now happily planted where they currently are, and no longer just a couple of course. 😉

    Yes, I know some of those towns are slightly off, but who can place Machesney Park after all? 🙂

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