My computer died….


It came quickly, but my laptop screen died. I wasn’t sure exactly what happened but there was a quick blackout of the screen.

I now have my laptop attached to an external screen. After doing a quick search, I think what the problem is. Either the backlight or the inverter are going bad. They might be fixable, but it isn’t an easy fix for me. I have the knowledge but not the ability. Fixing these problems requires fine motor skills. I’m much better at gross motor skills.

This would require soldering small wires, careful handing of a delicate bulb with mercury on the inside. Replacement of another delicate part. My fumble fingers and weak eyes just aren’t up to that. Tomorrow, I will check to see how much it will cost to replace the parts. If too much, I may end up getting a new laptop. This laptop still works, but I will probably use it as another desktop at home. It can replace the older computer my youngest uses at home. Then she will be able to play some of the games that no longer work for her.

Just a bit of bad luck for the New Year.

9 thoughts on “My computer died….”

  1. New year, new computer. You have to look at the positive! Your daughter will benefit, also….and really, isn’t it fun getting a new computer? I found it quite fun last week!!!!

  2. I understand completely. Good thing I have a computer expert in the family. I think it’s exciting and fun getting a new ‘puter.

  3. I usually don’t find it fun to get a new computer – then I have to actually learn something – new features, etc. Plus I worry if all my old data got nuked or not – not fun. Maybe if I had the time to sit and explore all the new features I would find it more fun, but I don’t.
    Things always seem to go wrong when money is tight… what is that? Good luck in your fixing of the problem; whichever way you go about it.

  4. jamiahsh — You can always say “Yeah, it’s only money” with sarcasm dripping all over the place.

    Taylhis, since the screen doesn’t work, I may see if I can get the parts to fix it. It could work fine, or I can be in the same position I’m at now.

  5. Why is that the electronics always sense when you are broke, in a hurry, etc. etc. etc……….

    The more we learn….the less we know..

    Good luck justj

  6. I know my nephew just paid $200 to have his screen replaced on his Macbook, but that’s a broken screen. One would hope your repair would be much cheaper, even if done by a laptop professional.

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