Morning Prep
We prayed to start the day, then Christopher and I ate bacon for breakfast
Heart Prep
Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight.
Psalm 119:143
I swept the living room and kitchen
I read chapter 1 of Spy School British Invasion by Stuart Gibbs in 20 minutes
For math, I watched tiktoks on how to divide polynomials. I then found some problems online and was able to solve them
I had pizza rolls and gogurt for lunch
It was cold outside again today, so I cleaned my room during recess.
Cleaning my room also worked its way into Spanish class time. Instead of finishing Spanish, I watched about ten minutes’ time worth of videos about cells. The videos were made by my friend for her class, and she wanted to show me. She used horses as an analogy to explain the different parts of the cell