15 Years Since Doubtfire?!


We put in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire for the kids the other day, and I was curious about what happened to the youngest daughter in that movie, Mara Wilson, because I’ve always thought she was so cute.  So I looked it up on imdb.com, and discovered that this movie is 15 years old already!!!  Which means that little Natalie, the cute girl from the film, is almost 21 years old!  I looked her up elsewhere on the internet because I get curious about the “where are they now” aspect of celebrities, and I found the following interview she did while promoting a Cinderella stage play she was in.  It was from 2006, when she was 18, but little “Natalie” is all grown up, and it’s weird to see her as an adult…  well, a legal one anyway.  Here is a link to the video:


8 thoughts on “15 Years Since Doubtfire?!”

  1. Yes… 15 years already… my how time flies. Enjoyable movie. There is an excitement that comes with every opening night… IMHO.

  2. Hmm, never saw the whole movie. I think I fell asleep during it once and never had a chance to watch it again.

  3. I remember it. It was one movie that fueled my hatred of divorce. This coming from someone who has never been married in the first place of course 🙂 . It seems that often it’s the dad who gets the short end of the stick. His money is welcome in the child’s life, but not dad himself. I just wish more people would remember the vows they made and pull through together when the worst happens. Obviously this won’t always work, but if everybody gave sincere effort to it then far fewer people would divorce and shows like Divorce Court would not exist. Idealist? Maybe, but we have to do something about divorce becoming seemingly as normal and accepted as marriage itself.

    As to the movie, I enjoyed it but I wouldn’t put it in my top 25 or 50.

  4. I agree with you. When they get married, people seem to think, well, if it doesn’t work out, I can always get a divorce… but I don’t think they should view it as an option that way, just a last resort in extreme cases only. That would be hard to regulate, but still… And you’re right, Dads definitely don’t have enough rights. I get sick of hearing about stories where a dad is legally forced to support a child, only to find out the child is not his! I think everyone should be DNA tested before the babies leave the hospital and the dad is named on the birth certificate. Also, it’s amazing to me what percentage of my daughters’ friends have single parent households…

  5. Single parent households because of divorce, that is… And also, not only legally, but it’s emotionally devastating for the kid to have a parent in their life only to lose them to divorce or mistaken paternity issues.

  6. If they were to implement that DNA testing, they would have to be VERY careful that no mistake has been made. Just think of the new father told that he is not the father of the baby by mistake…

  7. I feel so old. But I agree taylhis, it is really surprising how many single parent homes these days (to divorce). A sad sign of the times.

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