Philosophy 101


Back in the day, when I let myself go, I would talk about different philosophies. It was an interest of mine that I had a yearning to discover. I have since dropped the formal training from my current recallable knowledge base. (it has been too many years since I’ve read or discussed anything about formal Philosophies.) So if you are expecting me to name drop some famous philosophers you will be disappointed.

I am now more interested in the interactions between people. What makes friendships. How can we remain friends with someone we rarely see or communicate with. What is trust? Why do people behave differently in a group. What masks do we weave for others to see. And of course, how does this all interact with the new electronic neighborhood.

I’ve always been a people watcher. I do tend to notice the background or driving force behind the hustle and bustle of daily life. I notice when people are having a bad day, sometimes, to my embarrassment, before they realize themselves. I notice when people aren’t getting along. I see when people really like each other. I usually can tell that people are putting on a mask to hide their true feelings, and at times I can see the truth behind the mask. I find that interesting.

I also see the way people are on-line compared to how they are in real life. Some people really hide behind the machine. Others, thinking they are anonymous in their computer lives. They hope their employer never finds out about their on line activities. Again, I find it interesting.

We are social beings, constantly (almost) looking for acceptance in our little parts of the world. Not finding that acceptance can cause pain or sorrow. Finding too much can give inflated feelings of self-worth. We need to look elsewhere for our worth. Find it, hold on to it and live it. Everything else is then just gravy on the meal. Nice to have, but the base can stand on its own.

9 thoughts on “Philosophy 101”

  1. Well, Jung is more Psychology than Philosophy. I was never into existentialism, so no Nietshe. I do like some of the eastern philosophies. I guess I’m more into the politcal-social philosophies…

  2. I took Philosophy 101 in college, and it was not my favorite class. Better than African History, but what class wasn’t better since we had to memorize all of the African countries and their capitals (which were always changing!). I did ok in Philosophy, I was able to write my way out of any bad grades somehow, but once we hit discussions like, what is “real” – is this desk “real” – are we “real”? Ugh, no thanks, I learned Philosophy was not my favorite class.
    But I always enjoyed my Sociology classes, which is a subject you touched upon in this post. But studying people can be a bit discouraging, can’t it, in a world such as this with most people’s immoral motivations and selfishness. I enjoy studying animals much better than I do people these days. People tend to disappoint me.

  3. It is sociology when you study how people act, it becomes philosophy when you are more interested in the why they act. Of course these two pursuits often cross lines. But I am always more interested in the thought process behind the actions, than in the actions themselves. People never disappoint me, but then I don’t expect much. Some people surprise me when they go beyond the norm.

  4. Philosophy, sociology. I have never had a class in either one, but I have had a few psychology classes. That one can be a big guessing game.

    Hmm. I rarely see C&L, but we do still have some sort of contact through these blogs and the occasional visit, so I guess these aren’t the sort of friends you mean. I do know of a few people I haven’t seen in awhile whom I would be pleased to see again sometime. Fond memories perhaps that would lead to a pleasurable experience if I were to see them again.

  5. Archaeology is the search for fact… not truth. If it’s truth you’re looking for, Dr. Tyree’s philosophy class is right down the hall.

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