A cool science quiz


An Inventions Quiz, 15 famous inventors and their inventions.
I should tell you my score, but I will wait until you get a chance.

I have a better thought. I will leave a clue to my score in the text of this post. In fact, if you can puzzle out the clue, you can report my score. I thought of a way to give a clue, but I think I need to do better than that. I am positive I can do better than that.

Yes, there is a clue or more in this post. I found a way to give multiple clues. In fact, the number of clues I created points to a clue. Can you figure it out?

This is another post obviously trying to get more people to comment. I’m hoping an interactive post is the answer.

I’m having too much fun. I think it is time to stop.

13 thoughts on “A cool science quiz”

  1. My excuse is it is 12.39AM and I am tired and not entirely focused. I have found that interactive posts do not better than non-interactive.

  2. Please be brave gentleman, my score is available for all to see, when looked for.

    Another couple of clues in that last sentence too!!

    I am having fun…

  3. By the way, there is something similar between my last two comments, and that might just lead you to my own score, but once you figure it out you must lose one before achieving the final result.

  4. Your original post looks like it might point to 14. Your comments might point to 15. I would have thought you are building on clues to my own score with the final manipulation, making the true answer 14 like what I see in your post, but even before I made my comment you had a comment pointing to 15. Well, if it’s not 7 and it’s not 14 then I have no idea, so 14 is my final guess. And if it is then I am embarrassed at revealing my own score.

  5. Derek, I think I know how you got 7, but I’m unsure of how you came up with 14. I’m curious.

    Anyway I did score a sort of 15 on that quiz, I had 2 extremely lucky guesses on it, to get that final score.

    The clues

    1) Only one number was written in the post; the number 15.
    2) There were 15 sentences in the post (Including the link sentence).
    3) The sentence under all the asterisks had 15 words in it.
    4) All first sentences in my comments (except this one) had 15 words in them.

    7 was the number of times I used clue or clues, but as in all good puzzles, that was a red herring.

  6. Some sentences had 14 words (more than one in the post). Then as I said your comments had 15 words, but the clue for mine has you subtracting one to obtain my own pathetic score so you might have played off of that, except for the one before my comment of course. So, my attempt was as pathetic as my score… 🙁

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