“Only One Thing I Want Ya Fellas Ta Do…


Talk me out of it!

This is my favorite line from one of the most classic movies of all time.  If there is one person within posting range who has never seen the 1939 version of The Wizard of Oz, I would seriously have a hard time believing it.  The scene involves Scarecrow and Tin Man attempting to bolster the Lion’s courage as they are about to enter the Witch’s castle to rescue Dorothy.  Just as he is on the verge of charging into the Lion’s den, the feline returns to his old ways.

Back in the days when cable television was in its infancy, I remember well a Friday night around Halloween when the movie was played annually.  Friday night because The Dukes of Hazard and Dallas (ho hum) were preempted.  Tonight, it was shown on Turner Classic Movies so this was my yearly trip down the Yellow Brick Road.  It’s funny, I can almost remember where all the commercial breaks were inserted.  Yet another classic I wish I could see again for the first time.  A five year old screamed with delight and a four year old hid her eyes whenever “the green witch” was on screen.

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of assisting in the production of the musical for EHS.  Although very faithful to the cinematic version, there were a few additions.  There was a covered bridge that the quartet and Toto attempted to cross; however, the Wicked Witch of the West enchanted the bridge making it revolve so Dorothy and her companions got nowhere fast.

Another addition was the Jitterbug sequence which was actually cut from the movie.  On screen, the Witch  makes mention of the insects as she sends her army of winged monkeys to the Haunted Forest.  The dance sequence was filmed and put on the cutting room floor.

I know there is at least one person who would possibly (if not probably) agree that Oz would make a good addition for a community theatre season.  If we are looking for famous, well-known name shows, is there any more famous, well-known, sure to get butts in the seats and people to audition (ahhem).  Just a thought.

5 thoughts on ““Only One Thing I Want Ya Fellas Ta Do…”

  1. wizard of oz. an oldie, but goodie. And I do agree, this musical would get alot of attention from the community.

  2. yes and no…
    I LOVE the movie, don’t tend to like rip-offs like Wicked or the plays that aren’t close to the movie. That being said, I think it would generate interest in the community, but I think it would have to be done quite WELL. Not just for critics like me, but for the audience who has had plenty of opportunities to see the production since it’s very well played. I don’t have enough confidence that this particular group has the resources to pull this show off that way it should be produced…
    Good idea, but I think I’m too picky to want to be on board for this one… maybe after the multi-mil theater is built 😉

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