The End Of An Exhilarating Weekend


This weekend was for the most part very enjoyable. My shifts over the last two days just dragged by. Friday, I did not have to work and except for a trip to a nearby metropolis to renew my license plate tags, pick up a prize at the radio station,, and stop and pick up a present for a baby, I waited by the phone in anticipation to hear some good news. Finally, around 5.20 PM I get a call from the hospital saying that mother and baby are just fine.. an 8 lb 2oz baby boy. Some nerve wracking episodes but all worked out well for their fourth child and first boy.

Saturday’s shift could not have been slower because I knew that I would have a phone call telling me where to go after I got off… and sure enough. I headed over to the hospital to see the little bundle of joy complete with a green slimy diaper that I watched Daddy change. After visiting with Mom and another visitor, we went and ate Chinese. We then went to the house where we quickly moved a crib from the nursery into the parent’s room. We had to totally disassemble the device and put it back together all while Dad was talking on the phone. Correct me if I am wrong but we had the crib together in half the time that it took to take it apart. We then played a game called Snout in which the object was to roll a pig and try to make it land in random positions. It was fun but frustrating when you kept rolling the same thing over and over again which did neither of us any good. Finally, we ended the game long after it was discovered who had won about 3 rounds after the winner had gotten the 100 points needed to win. But still fun and a great evening once again although we were both tired by 11PM (very unusual but totally understandable). We also played another fun game, but the name escapes me… help me out on this one oh great admin.  But it was just a blast seeing the wee one on his first days in the world and the proud but exhausted parents.

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