But We Did Go To The Second House


Today, the family gathered for an extended Christmas celebration which my mother, father, sister, and I ALMOST did not make it to.  In my mother’s defense, we did go to the second house along the road.  Unfortunately, the correct house is now the third house as apparently within the last two years (the last time she must have visited her brother’s house) a new house was added.  We went up to the house, my sister rang the bell, and when no one answered I said “Just go on in.”  She tried the handle and it was locked.  A few seconds later, Mom’s cell phone rang.  Bob and Lu were watching from next door and called to inform us that we were indeed at the wrong house. Just then, the inhabitant of the house we were at appeared and saw our collection of folding chairs, gifts, and bowl of cole slaw.  He did offer to help us eat.  We all had a good laugh!  Guess Mom should visit her sibling (who lives less than ten miles away) more often. 😉  No one else went to the wrong house.

The gathering was very festive and full of fun and laughs.  As usual, Auntie Lu provided everything except for the cole slaw (which is a favorite of many) and Aunt Sandy’s goodie tray (which was nearly devoured by the end).

We had a very nice surprise from an unexpected visitor.  Unbeknownst to most, one of our cousins from Florida (whom most of us had not seen in more than a few years) had come up to visit and she arrived with her twin daughters.  I guess I should keep closer tabs on my facebook page.

Football games, kids  (under 18) opening presents, Grandpa falling asleep, and Chad being picked on all made for another perfect celebration.  Hopefully, we can exit 2010 (which has had its share of ups and downs) and look forward to an even brighter 2011.  Provided we can find the right destination 😉

2 thoughts on “But We Did Go To The Second House”

  1. I guess it is because neither one is ever home long enough to do so. That’s kind of what I thought as well… Why HASN’T she visited in 2 years?

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