Family and the calendar


I used to have a very good head for dates and numbers. I can remember all sorts of birthdays, anniversaries, phone numbers and other such stuff. Somewhere along the line my head got full. I can’t seem to remember a lot of dates that I should.

Let’s see. I can remember all the birthdays of my brother and sisters. I can remember birthdays of my children, parents and even get close on most of the in-laws. I definitely remember all the important dates that occurred in and around my marriage. I remember my oldest sister’s phone number, even though she hasn’t had that one in years. I even remember the birthdays of my best friend in grade school, and the first girl I had a crush on.

Things I can’t remember… Birthdays of my daughter’s husbands and children. Anniversaries of said children and their spouses. Dates that specific bills are due. Dates for Drs. appointments. Dates of the next show one of my girls is in. Dates of the next show that I’m in… Dates set up longer than 1 week away. My cell phone number. My desk extension at work. Hmm a pattern is forming….

These dates are all more recent than the dates /numbers that I can remember. Maybe my mind is filled up with dates and numbers that I don’t need anymore. If there was only a way to replace the numbers I remember with the new numbers I should remember. If I could bottle that, I’d make a mint.

2 thoughts on “Family and the calendar”

  1. Change your cell phone number to your older sister’s old one maybe? 😀

    Seriously, I hear you on the memory thing. My biggest problem has always been names and faces.

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