Last night, I attended WCCT’s annual Willie Award Ceremony. I had a good time with many of my wonderful friends I have made over the past nearly four years and two I made just over a year ago! Before I attended the event, I bought a small bouquet for my favorite nominee. When Megan and I arrived at the Little Theatre, I was shocked to see that Carol had already taken care of our $15.00 admission. Thanks, Carol but it wasn’t really necessary. I got a table toward the front of the house: one of only two tables that would sit Travis, Mary, Carol, Megan, and I. And later, the Dukeage crashed our small party. But it was all good… love ya, Cathy Dukes!
The evening’s entertainment featured our hostesses in prerecorded bits as mimes. Between each of the awards presented, a filmed scene in which they interviewed several Willie nominees was shown. The bit looked oddly familiar to me.
I really enjoyed the recognition of some of the foundation members of the theatre and the challenge to the younger members to take up the torch. I did not like the laundry list of nominees for many of the categories. It made it appear that if you were in a show, you were nominated. I realize that recognition is important, but really about half of the nominees were present.
OK… here is a list of the winners… congratulations to you all!
Best Male Cameo
Denver (Bullfrog…Honk)
Best Female Cameo
Marylyn (Mrs. Harper, Miracle on 34th Street)
Best Supporting Actor
Denver (the role and show fail me… sorry, but I will guess Phillip, The Lion in Winter)
Best Supporting Actress
Sharon (Sister Clarissa, Over the Tavern… YEAH, MOM)
Best Actor
Gene (Kris Kringle, Miracle on 34th Street)
Best Set
Little Shop of Horrors
President’s Awards
Crystal and Shelley (The Weekenders)
Bob (“for wearing a teddy” in a previous season)
Best Show
The Lion in Winter

Glad you had fun!
Can’t say I regret missing out this year… 🙂
taylhis and co. Did miss you Saturday, even if you didn’t regret missing the event.
Jamiahsh — I won’t repeat to Denver that you think he won for Honk. He wasn’t sure how his name was listed twice in the cameo roll. He won cameo for King Phillipe from Lion in Winter and Supporting for Mr Sawyer from Miracle.
It was a fun evening.
Phillipe was a CAMEO ROLE? Funny that. Well… f those were the only two goofs. I Think I did well.