Weekly EBook review


Well not quite yet, but maybe a new category if I keep reading at the rate I have been. Since this is an Ebook review, there will be some things about the books that you will only get from the ebooks I’ve been reading. Almost all of the books have been copied from original text and had OCR software run on them. I’ve notice in a few places the character recognition software just wasn’t up to the task. I will have to note where I got the copy, how it was translated to digital text and the edition year it was copied from.

I’m thinking this will be a lot of fun for me, but my readers may be a bit bored by my reading selection. Oh well, you get what you pay for. I’m reading free books, and you are reading a free blog.

This week I finished 3 ebooks, so I have a choice as to which title to review. Decisions, decisions. Life sometimes complicates these things. 😉

4 thoughts on “Weekly EBook review”

  1. There is also a book entitled “It’s Superman” that was a fun read…. before the Last Days. I really want to read the Bats/Supes novel someday.

  2. Oh well… I’m sure every blogger has bored readers at some point or another. If it gets too treacherous, we can always click away and leave it for others who will be interested in the title 😉

  3. do you print your ebooks or read them on your comp? i find that i get a headache if i just read on the screen

  4. Justin, I read them on a Nook e-book reader. I used to read them on the computer, but like you I would get a headache if I read too long. The reader does not affect me in the same manner. It is much closer to printed text.

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