That time of year

 Today was the day for my yearly review at work.   In the past, I’ve dreaded these conversations with my supervisors.  I’m never quite sure why, since in all my years working, my reviews have never dropped below a good review.  I’ve even had some outstanding reviews.  Now in my old age, or maybe after all the years I’ve had on the job, I don’t really pay much attention to the whole review process.  Yes, I’ll make my views known, and I will listen to any constructive criticism my supervisor has, but that is all I get out of it.  I don’t get super excited about excellent reviews, or down over the just good reviews.   I imagine the only review that would bother me is a poor review, and I would hope I see that one coming before it happens.   If  I don’t see it coming than I deserve the poor review.

I think another part of not paying too much attention to the whole review process, is that for the past 4 years, I haven’t had my sounding board.  I would talk with my wife about my self review and then again after the supervisor’s review.  This made the review, and my input to it more real (if that makes any sense??)  This lack of discussion with someone who really knew me makes the whole thing seem like a dream.  Maybe so, but then some of the last four years has a dreamlike quality (mostly the nightmare type).   Such is life.   After typing this, I feel that this may be a big part of my current feelings.

In case anyone is interested, I had a good review.