No More Truth, Justice, &

the AMERICAN way.”  In Action Comics #900, the Man of Steel renounces his U.S. citizenship to embark upon a more global “neverending battle”.  Quite a milestone in the 72 year life of the superhero who was sent to Earth from a doomed planet, raised in America’s heartland by a kindly midwestern farm family who would instill within their adopted son the morals and ethics which would become his greatest weapons, and finally become the World’s Finest while disguised as a mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper.  Flight, near invincibility, X-ray vision, and all the rest could be used for other things than engaging the likes of Lex Luthor, Doomsday, and Bizzaro if not raised in a loving environment.  Yes, I know that opinion could be debated infinitum but still…

In other Super-related news, Brandon Routh (rhymes with south) and Sam Huntington who played Superman and Jimmy Olsen, respectively in Superman Returns are teaming up in a new zombie-hunting film.  Routh plays detective Dylan Dog in the aptly titled Dylan Dog: Dead of Night.  Judge for yourself, but it looks like the curse may have claimed its latest victim.

More on Superman…

And then I find this link. An interesting look into the creation of Superman. I will admit that I never looked into the two men that created the Superman character. I knew the names, but never any back story behind it. I guess it never really grasped my interest, but a comic I read started a story line about one of the authors. I’m not sure if anyone here reads Funky Winkerbean, but there is a current story arc about the Seigel home.

All interesting stuff for the 70th anniversary of Superman.

And a special link for a friend about a discussion we had recently. Here it is, Red Son. Have fun, if you find the actual books, let me know….

You’ve Got Possibilities

One of the sites that I find myself visiting at least once a week is the Superman Homepage. This site is devote primarily to the Man of Steel but also features articles dealing with other DC comics heroes.   It features a timeline that traces  every conceivable  event  featuring the Last Son of Krypton  dating back to June 1938 when he made his first appearance in  Action Comics #1.  There is also a Who’s Who Database of characters as well as reviews of movies, television, comics, novels, music, even the Broadway musical It’s a Bird…. It’s a Plane….It’s Superman.  I think my favorite feature is The Super-Trivia Quiz.  Three questions posted at the beginning of each month that test the knowledge of even the most-die hard of Super fans.  One of this months questions:

In the 1940s Superman radio series what is the name given to Superman’s enemy who has Kryptonite flowing through his veins?

I have no idea.  I was not around in the 40s and have never heard the radio serial.