Our New Blog Site!

Welcome to our blog site for our student ministries small group!  Wow  – we really need a group name so we can actually give this blog a real name!  Put your suggestions for a name below, and that’s something we can discuss at the end of our next small group meeting – see our countdown  timer on the side…

Here are the pictures we took last Wednesday:

youth group 001youth group 002

youth group 003youth group 004

So girls, I’ve done my homework and posted these pics, here’s some hw for you:

– Make a comment on this blog post!  Just say hey or post suggestions for a name for our group – it can be almost anything we want, this is just for us, mainly so we have a name for our website!  But it should reflect or give a hint about our group’s purpose: our weekly journey getting closer to Christ.  Hoping to hear from ALL of you (spread the word to the girls whose email I don’t have PLEASE!)

Have a really GREAT Thanksgiving and remember to make time on your turkey day to praise and be thankful to Him for all of your life’s blessings!!