Gremlin Be GONE!

Apparently, there was some type of gremlin caught up in the works of our happy little site but I see that it has  been irradicated.  The past two has has been a relatively busy one in our small little neck of the woods.  Friday and Saturday was our town wide garage sale in which over 60 homes participated.  Quite remarkable considering the size of the town.  Not only did residents of the community but businesses also came out and put some of their products on display.  The local, weekly newspaper gave out homemade ice cream… well, they accepted a free will donation.  The grocery had a Produce Tent Sale.  It was called Tent Sale but nowhere did I see a tent only a bunch of displays full of watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, nectarines, lemons, green peppers, and other goodies.  We also had a hot dog, chip, and soda/water for $1.  I was lucky enough to man the sale for an hour Friday afternoon (would have enjoyed spending more but I was only covering for a break).  But, of course, who had to haul in the pallets at the end of the day?

But once again, I had a Saturday to myself so I took my nephew and a “tag-a-long” (his words, not mine) to see Harry Potter.  We left with 15 minutes before show time and thinking ahead decided to go the back route to save time.  However, I had forgotten that the 3 mile bridge (or a small section of 576) is closed for the next week or so.  In any event, we were about 5 minutes late for the movie and had to sit in the next to front row.  Joshua enjoyed the movie… our companion did not think so highly of it although he has assured me that he has read all the books and seen the previous 5 movies.  He thought it was a waste of time and he is going to see it on IMAX next week?!

Before returning home, I needed to stop by my old stomping grounds and pick up a present.  While there, our 18 year-old friend decided that he wanted to buy something that he has always wanted: a cap gun.  He was like a kid in a candy store.  Cap guns have changed since I last had one.  They used to operate on straps of paper.  Today, they use rounds of small plastic pellets.  Nate was occupied quite well on the 12 mile trip back to E-town.

All in all, a pretty fun few days.  Made even more so by a pair of Yankee victories (sorry, justj) and a Red Sox loss.  STILL 2 behind the Stockings!