HELLO EVERY PEOPLE! Morat Notboratnichkov a return to OHHO on his a way west to continue covering for de news election of new owner America country. I a visit the strange person once again a working at the Super Kaiser Market or something like that. When I a enter the store in Edgertown, OHHO a woman say to me: “You are Morat!!!!”

“WOOLY SHEEP! YES, I A MORAT. You a know Morat?”

“Yes, I took my children to see your show. You made me laugh.”

“So… you have little people so a you must be married woman?”

“No, I am not married.”

“OH, then it would not a be possible for a you to go on de Wife Swap trading on tv box. So sorry. Thank you for a shopping at Super Kaiser Market.”

Very strange person he a tell me he sing in wedding on Fiffelday. He a tell me that many people had de running problem to de bathroom today. He a say some sandwich chicken was a bad. Every people they a call his house and ask if everyone was ok. Very strange person he say he still has running to bathroom problem and had to go many times at the work. Morat say that is a very funny 🙂 Strange man person did a not look amused.

OK every people, I a must go to sleep so I a can continue covering for news election of new owner. Morat say “NO WOMANS.” And what is name of Obabadaba… I a no like so much.