A Regional Forward

With amusement and much scrutiny, I peruse most of the many email forwards I receive…  Occasionally, one will catch my eye.  Such is the case for the forward containing the following picture entitled: “Sauder Woodworking Company Takes Over GM”


I found it extremely amusing, but I began to think of the entertainment value of the aforementioned email forward.  Is this also amusing to  people who aren’t affected by the close proximity of the Sauder factories?  Do people who live far  outside of Archbold, Ohio get the joke?

Well, anyway, if you live where you get it, then HaHa –  we share a  joke.  It IS funny – Sauder is a huge employer in the area and  many locals have jobs assembling Sauder’s ‘assemble yourself’ kits of furnitiure.  The fact that someone crafted an email to tie it into the horrible economy and the down-sizing of GM is priceless…   but there I go again, overexplaining the joke.  If you get it, then you get it…  (and are probably located within 60 miles of Lake Erie), but if you have no idea what I’m talking about –  power to you to recognize regionally sensitive email forwards…  What are some of the regional forwards that have been haunting YOU?