Who’s Watching the Kids?

Tonight, I offered to sit with four of the best kids ever (I’m not going to be biased… since I do have several nieces and nephews who also qualify).  My friends had yet to see the theatre’s hilarious production of Over the Tavern so I said I would be happy to watch the little ones.  After rehearsal, I headed over and we went to dinner before the show.  By dinner’s end, the two youngest had zonked out.  I was slightly worried about Dis but I knew that “Goose” would help with her if the need presented itself.  Some of the highlights included artistry courtesy of the aquadoodle… very nice, no mess as the special markers only work on the mat.  We also had a session of school (I actually remember playing school? growing up).  The three of us later settled down to watch the Disney version of Tarzan.  Shortly after changing Beeber’s soaked diaper, C&L got back to find Sammers (surprise, surprise… but honestly, she was great) being the sole survivor until moments later when Dis decided to reawaken (hopefully, she did not keep them up too long).

A bit later, I asked if they had heard about Joaquin Phoenix’s interview on David Letterman a few nights ago.  Really, it made the Farrah Fawcett interview of a few years ago look good.  Dave even commented that they owed Farrah an apology.  Honestly, I’m not sure whether or not Joaquin’s “absence” was chemically induced or he is just REALLY not comfortable giving interviews.  Whatever the case, the segment is sure to cause a great deal of controversy for sometime.

Just had a very fun evening being a kid.