Big Little Things I NEED To Get Back Into

I dunno… I just pray that I get to feeling more like your friendly neighborhood Jamiahsh soon.  I know it is going to take time and I am an optimist but really I do miss the things I was able to do before all this began (putting my voice lessons on hold, missing theatre board meetings, Oscar party… but I did get to participate over the web, little things that may seem trivial that mean so much to me). WIth time, prayers, and good thoughts I KNOW that I will be on stage, in the choir loft, at game night cleaning up playing Oodles, and most importantly of all… just being with the greatest group of friends ever. I really do feel blessed and thank all of you for your well wishes and prayers as I have been doing more and more of the past few weeks.

Monday, I went for my first blood work.  Tuesday, I was called and was informed that it came back good.  Wednesday, I returned to the doctor who is quite happy with the progress I have made and that my numbers are good.  However, I will most likely be on coumadin (a blood thinner with a hint of rat poison 😀 ) for the rest of my days because of the clots in my lungs.  He assured me that the clots will dissolve in time.  No more testing for 4 weeks and no more doctor visits for 3 months… will that be JUNE? when little ones will still be going to school after the long winter.

Sunday morning will be my first day back at work… which means I will miss another of my friends’ performances at their church.  UGH!

At least I am in good company.  Last weekend during an Oscar party, tennis great Serena Williams was rushed to a hospital.  Apparently, she had clots in her lungs.  I know that she has been laid up for a few months with other injuries but if this can happen to an active professional sports figure then I guess it can happen to a 30-something guy who truly enjoys taking long, brisk walks (something else on mu “can’t wait to get back to doing” list).

Once again, thank you all for all of your thoughts and prayers.  I pray to and thank God everyday that He and my special angel are watching over me.  I believe that He is not finished with me yet.  Now how to take those things I feel so strongly about and use them in such a way as to show glory to Him.  Being a song leader and occasional choir member at mass is a great start…

Thanks again and All Glory and Praise to Him!