Dueling Headlines

People in our corner of Ohio often make fun of our local paper, and sometimes I can see their point.  Sometimes the articles are not well-written or seem one-sided.  But I think it’s normal to feel this way because I read an online version of a suburban Chicago newspaper, and people are always leaving comments about how this newspaper’s writing stinks.  But here is a case in point from our local paper:  a few weeks ago, they ran two headlines on the front page that had nothing to do with each other.  In fact, they seemed to contradict each other.  I think this was an example of poor journalism.  They should have moved one of the stories to an inside page or saved it for another day because the front page headline was:

College on Its Way Here

And right there in the right column of the front page, was this headline:

Alcohol Deadly for Collegians

Enough said.