They Know Me So Well

Tonight, I HAD to attend the opening night performance of the WCCT’s latest melodrama to show my support of one of my dearest friends who had a couple of roles in the show.  When I arrived, I knew I was in for a treat.  There was a duo of western lawmen who began to harrass me (?) with the rifles.  They even went so far as to frisk me.  They made sure that I made my donation of a canned item for the area food banks.  The officers repeatedly told audience members to look out for me and threatened harm upon my person if I got out of line.

In the preshow address, the three stooges pointed out that the audience show boo, hiss, and cheer but in no way were we to throw anything.  I thought that was totally unfair.  Two summers ago, I was in Love Rides the Rails and was unmercifully pelted by popcorn, Skittles (you know who you are), and other things I am sure.  I thought I was the hero of the piece but judging from the audiences’ reaction, I was anything but.

Wild Oats has all the traditional elements of the best of cornball melodramas: heroes, villains, damsels in distress, mistaken identity, and plot twists galore.  The strong-willed heroine (the aptly named Kate) and the hero Jack were both wonderful.  The villainous Ike Gammon had a slimy appearance and a voice that just made you want to hiss and catcall.  The duo of Croftus Thunder and his trusty Indian sidekick (astride his mount) Corporal Crow were a hoot.  I must say that my favorite roles were a duo of hilarious stock characters named Mr. Kliegle and Mr. Leko who drew applause each time they made an appearance.  And don’t forget the all-important cameo of the Marshall who saves the day.  There is also Ephraim Smooth a smooth preacher who steals several moments.

All in all a wonderful performance.  I think the theatre should consider doing a summer melodrama every year.  They are very light-hearted and fun not only to watch but to be in.  Totally un-P.C. as a lot of issues get a fair amount of ribbing.  But why do they always pick on me?  Seriously, am I really that bad 😉