The Younger set

Children and young adults (7 to 18?) are invading our theater. It is, of course, time for the annual Children’s Theater.

As long as I remember, we’ve always had a good turnout for this acting forum, but this year it is an absolute invasion. There were at least 40 younger members of society on stage during the first evening. Tonight was the third evening of theater for the youngsters, and there was still at least 35 roaming stage and backstage. It is really good to see this in the theater. This is the future of theater. In the next few years some of these actors will be back on stage as adults. Always good to see.

I am wondering where the child relatives of other Tangents bloggers are. Didn’t see any nieces, nephews or children of the Tangents group. Oh well, since I volunteered to help again, you will all know where I will be…