I thought I was done…

One more post about Little Women.

We left a good portion of ‘stuff’ on stage after the Little Women tear down.  It belonged to various people and places that the director, and set designer knew.   They came back this morning to load up a truck with these items.  I volunteered  to help move it.

After figuring out how to get the various large pieces out the door, and moving all the small stuff into the truck the job was finished in under 1/2 hour.  The director of the next show (The Phantom Tollbooth — Children’s Theater) was there helping, and getting design help for her show.  So our theater will be seeing the designs of a very talented person two shows in a row.  I think it is too bad that these shows aren’t part of our regular season and will not be up for any awards.  I may have to talk to someone on whatever committee decides on that sort of stuff.  Maybe we could come up with a special award.  This of course depends on what the set looks like for the Children’s theater 😉 .   I’m sure it will look great.

In any event, look for more post on the up coming production, I’m in it again doing lights and sound.  My complaints, comments and praises will be here.