Keeping The Congregation On Their Toes

Tonight was my monthly turn as worship leader at church. It seems like there have been a few songsters added to the roster making it seem like a longer stretch between turns. As usual, it went just fine with only one major goof… not musical.  Opening song: “Gather Us In” went well an old favorite, but good to start things off with.  The responsorial psalm had the same words as the offertory hymn but different melodies, but both versions of “Taste and See” went well.

THEN, came communion! We usually need to sing two songs to fill the time.  I announced the first song: #303 “Where Charity and Love Prevail.”  HOWEVER, what Dolores’ introduction was definitely NOT for “Where Charity and Love Prevail.”  Instead, she had the second song “At that First Eucharist” up.  So we sang that and then I announced that NOW we will sing “Where Charity and Love Prevail.”

The closing song, “Go, Be Justice” was a song that was unfamiliar to me until I heard the melody which was familiar but I could not place and still cannot.  I think it curious that many hymns have the same melody but different words   DeeDee and I both agreed that if anyone complained we would gladly let them come up and take our places next time.  Somehow, I did not hear a word.