Offline for a couple of days

I was offline all of yesterday due to a cable problem.  I have located the problem- it seems the outside cable is worn through in a spot.  I have jury-rigged it to test it for now, and as you can see since I am writing a post that it is indeed the problem.  Unfortunately I can’t keep it up.  Obviously they have a record that I am accessing the internet now, but I can always tell the tech I was just testing the problem myself, and I was.  I will have to remove what I did though.  Unfortunately it means no internet for me for two more days since my appointment isn’t until Wednesday afternoon. 🙁

Hopefully I can get sub jobs for the next couple of days using the phone instead.  Of course that means no blogs until then either…

Friends, I have found it…

I have found a list of the emoticons used by wordpress.  Check it out:


Say, C, any way we can update these smilies to look like the ones on this page:mrgreen:


My life is so uninteresting I am seriously considering a hiatus right now.  I am a bit depressed that there is such little interest in my blog.  True, I don’t exactly advertise it outside of a link in my signature at a site I don’t post much at, but I would have thought some would post here outside of the three regulars (and one irregular).  I am also disappointed in myself at not going after a new job.  Subbing has barely paid the bills, and now I am one month into no income.  At one time I had hoped to supplement subbing with some sort of computer-based business like an ebook or computer repair, but it’s looking like that end is not only dead but rotting away…

Maybe I can think of something to post every now and then, or maybe something will happen that will give me something to post about, but until then it doesn’t look good for this blog.  However, I know my mood is down right now so I won’t make any decisions until it improves.

I know I used to post school news, but all I have really read in the last few months was so-and-so teacher has improper relations with his or her students and so-and-so gets in trouble for showing their Christianity.  In other words, nothing worth posting, at least here.  This kind of stuff is just too common and too sickening.  Maybe retrogaming news?  There was a new release of Gamebase Amiga recently.  Get this package, WinUAE, and a few Kickstart ROMS and you’re all set to go with playing old amiga games.  Another package for Amiga if you want to do more than play games is AmigaSys 4.

So, until later.

EDIT: Hm, this new post seems to have broken the embedded video from Friday.  Even though no one showed any interest in it anyway here’s the direct link: I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb

EDIT 2: Video looks to be working again.

See you in a week

Well, I am off to my fourth summer camp with the 4th and 5th graders.  Sorry I didn’t come up with some pre-camp posts- the computer post took most of my time along with getting ready for this thing.  In any event, I am out of time so I will have to cut this post short too. Have a great week!

Added blog to Friends

This is way late, but I have finally added my friend, C’s blog to my links on the left.  He told me about it about a month ago when he wrote on his experience with the Nintendo Wii, but for some reason I never added it and it slipped my mind until noticing it on another friend’s blog! So, consider this your birthday present! 😛

Well, at least until I think of what to get you since I forgot about it again-  I seriously need to get a wife to remember these things for me, though of course in return I will get pounded for forgetting her birthday, or worse- our anniversary.  Yes, I would be that stereotypical husband.

Another new look

I changed my shorts, erm, theme again. I really didn’t like that last one. I think this one should last awhile, unless I find an annoying bug. I really liked that first theme, even with the no-italics bug, but I couldn’t find it again. Well, this one looks pretty good.

Trying new theme again.

Why you ask?  Well, why not I say!  Just trying something new; I don’t know why I didn’t notice this theme before titled “Rubric.”  It’s just the thing for a school-related blog.  Maybe.

Nothing today

I was home for most of the day (AM only job) but even so I don’t have anything to write right now. Sorry. Until tomorrow then.

New theme again

The other was a bit too, um, lavender-y for my taste.  The title is a bit minimalistic but I’ll try it out for a bit.  I also didn’t like the comments line being by the post title and therefore harder to see.  Now it is quite obvious at the bottom when there are no comments and so you should click to leave one.  Please. 🙂

Different theme

Trying a different theme.  The other one didn’t show italics, just two ways to show bold type…