More on Books

A friend at work loaned me a book that she thought I would like. The authors of the book were Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. The story was one of a series and the title was “Brimstone”. A very good book revolving around a New Jersey Cop and an FBI agent. I’ve learned that this book was part of a continuing series of D’Agosta and Pendergast stories. Each one dealing with some strange crime. They could be weird science disguised as occult, or even ‘real’ monsters. The story telling was gripping, and these books are very hard for me to put down. Some were a little tense for late night reading, but all of them kept my attention.

I’ve read the following and am working on the others. I would recommend them for any who likes good mysteries.

Relic — First book in the series
Brimstone — not sure where this is in the series, but I think there is more than one book before this one
Dance of Death — Follows right after Brimstone

For those of you who live in my area, forget the local library for a month or so, I just checked out the following

Reliquary — 2nd book I think
The Wheel of Darkness
The Book of the Dead
and Mount Dragon — Not part of the above series.

Good reading..