Random things that crossed my mind

On Facebook
Why do I realize that my daughters are using movie quotes in their facebook statuses and almost nobody else does?

Why did I start using movie quotes as facebook statuses?

Why can’t people realize we are doing this even after we told them we were?

On Numbers
Does anybody else miss comparing your count of posts with our other Tangents’ bloggers? I know how many posts I have, but don’t see the other numbers anymore. 🙁

I wonder how many days I will have actual posts. This month I’ve had at least one a day. But by the time this is read by folks, there may be two cheats 😉

Did you realize that 11:58 doesn’t look much different than 12:02 when you look outside and not at the clock.

I’ve lived more than 1/2 of a century. That is a number right?

This post has one hundred fifty words, by the word count.