Mother/daughter banquet

Today is the Mother/daughter banquet at church. I am not very thrilled about it. Firstly, because I had to pay $11 for a stupid ticket even though I will not eat the food they are serving. I asked if I could pay for the child’s ticket, since I most likely would be eating the kids food and about as much as they would eat, but of course, that did not go over very well. And I had to buy a ticket because I have to be there! I am in a women’s enasamble at church and we are singing at the Mother/daughter banquet, so it would not have been very good if I did not show up. 🙁 Then I have to wear a dress or skirt to this thing. The theme is God’s Little Princess. Well, God loves us even if we do not wear pretty dresses and stuff. He made us all different and yet, we all are supposed to wear pretty clothes to this banquet. Though it is giving me another excuse to make a new memory with my prom dress!

Though that $11 for a stupid meal is still getting to me! I do not eat very much and I am a very picky eater. I saw the meal menu and what can I say besides… EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!

New Beginnings

I can’t believe it! I thought I was happy yesterday, with it being ten months for Tony and I, but this is way better. I was cleaning today and I decided that while I was at it, to get rid of my letters and stuff from Zac. I had kept it all in a box ever since he broke up with me, and I knew it was time to get rid of it. Don’t ask me how I knew, I just knew that today was the day. If I had my guess, it was God telling me: Time to get rid of the past and really live for the future. I read each letter and then watched it as it burned in the fireplace. As each letter went up in flames, it was like a little weight came off my shoulders, as the past fell away. I have been over Zac for a long time, but this was the final step and I can’t believe how much lighter and happier I feel! Now it’s just Tony and me, with nothing but the future before us!

Expanded Universe repeating history

I have been thinking about how the authors are killing a lot of the more popular characters off more and more often in Star Wars. Chewbacca, Grand Admiral Thrawn (though Timothy Zahn didn’t know he was going to become a favorite), Anakin Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker, and I’m sure there are more that I’m not thinking about. I believe that once they kill off the some more, mostly Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo, they will have to stop going forward into the series. They will have to go back and work from there. Though I might be wrong because the Solo children (Jacen and Jaina) and the Skywalker boy (Ben) might have cought the younger generation. They might want to continue reading about what happened to them, but so many who  have grown up with Star Wars will most likely stop reading once at least when those three are gone. I might continue reading to see where they go, but it seems like they are redoing the movies (prequels). One of the Skywalkers is turning to the Dark Side trying to save something. In this case, Jacen turned to save the galaxy from war. Instead, he has just made it worse!

Spring is in the air

It’s that time of year again. Sun, warmer weather, swimming and yep, you guessed it, sunblock. Lots and lots of it. I was outside yesterday for about an hour and half. I thought nothing of it. It was a beautiful day and I wanted to get out of that school. The weather was just calling to me, and no one else was out there, so I went. I lay in the sun reading my book and relaxing. I went back inside and I was burnt. I had forgotten that even in the spring I can burn very easily. My arms are much better, but my nose and face still hurt a little if I scratch it or wrinkle my nose. I will have to get a small bottle of sunblock to carry around with me everywhere. 🙁

New sport

I have started to learn how to play tennis today! It was my first try, so I didn’t do so well, but at least I can hit the ball! Softball has helped with that, at least. I have fairly good hand-eye coordination due to my many years of softball, and am fairly good at hand-eye-feet coordination, since I did play right field and catcher when I was in softball. The problem with my tennis abilities at the moment is that I just hit the ball just about anywhere. I am not very good at aiming the ball, so Tony has to go run after it all the time. I believe that with practice, I will become fairly good at it, and I just have to remember that I don’t have to hit the ball very hard, unlike softball. The racket is really light and I swing a little and it goes flying! I will get the hang of it, eventually.

It just doesn’t make any sense

Yesterday I was talking with my friend, Rachel, about Star Wars, which is reall weird, since for the longest time she didn’t even like having it mentioned. But yesterday, she was willing to listen and participate in my talking about Mara and how I didn’t think that a poison dart should have been able to kill her. She was the Emperor’s Hand for goodness sake! She was one of his personal assassin and knew so many tricks to the Sith, though she never was one herself. She didn’t fall for Jacen’s trick that he tried to pull when she had the roof fall on top of him. Why should she be kiled by something as simple as a poison dart? If the Karen Traviss insisted that Mara had to die, than couldn’t she have thought of a way to do so that was fitting to the character?

 Rachel and I have deciced that Mara really wasn’t killed, because in the Legacy of the Force series, Mara wasn’t acting like herself at all. She was all passive and not willing to believe Luke when he tried to tell her that Jacen was turning to the Dark Side. Mara had seen the Emperor, had known Vader, she should have been the first one to believe Luke on this, and yet, for some reason, she wasn’t. She didn’t believe him until six books into the series. How can Mara change so suddenly in the books, from the woman that Timothy Zahn had created, to some different kind of woman, that someone else made her? Sure, she had a son, and yes, I agree that Mara would be protective of him, but the way I have seen Timothy Zahn write about Mara, she wouldn’t become passive and almost scared to do things. She would be active, ready to do whatever necessary to protect him. She had sent him off while he was just born to safety and continued fighting against the Yuuzhan Vong, to keep the galaxy safe. With all this, Rachel and I came up with the clone idea, though of course Tony doesn’t believe me. 🙁 Just because they had her funeral and she became a force ghost! Though we have been talking, and his friend said that we could bring her back with a Dark Jedi turning to the Light Side and sacrificing himself to bring her back, using the Force. That would be really nice. I could always write a fanfic and put it on one of those Star Wars fanfiction sites. I wouldn’t get money from it, but at least I would feel like I had some say in the way the authors are writing. Timothy Zahn wasn’t even told by Del Rey that Mara was going to be killed off. Talk about a shock when he read it.   

Books Are Now Movies

About a month ago, I saw The Other Boleyn Girl. I had heard mixed opinions about it. A friend of mine told me that it was not historically accurate and did not follow the book very well at all, but my sister told me that it was really good and  that I should go watch it. I love the book. In fact, I own it. The book was written by Philippa Gregory and she has written many historical fiction, like the book I’m reading right now, The Virgin’s Lover. The movie was as both my friend and my sister said. As long as I could forget about the book, it was a movie that I would watch again. If things from the book popped into my head, it was a terrible movie! Whether I buy this movie or not is debatable still. If the movie is going to not go by the book, it should at least get some things right. They never explained what happened to Mary Boleyn’s first husband, he just disappeared and suddenly she was married again! How was that explained in the movie? It wasn’t and it drove me crazy! Why must movies be based on books and then not be like the book? Ella Enchanted is a movie and a book. I love both, but they are so completely different. If they are going to rewrite the book to make a movie, why base the movie on anything?

Mara’s Death

I have loved the character of Mara Jade ever since I first read Timothy Zahn’s book Heir to the Empire. In fact, I have all eight of his Star Wars books and they all deal with Mara some way. When she was first introduced, she wanted to kill Luke Skywalker, but later married him! Talk about some major emotional change. Going from wanting to kill someone to marrying them ten years later, is pretty good! Mara is one of the favorite characters in the Expanded Universe, and yet, they killed her off! And by her nephews hand, no less! Jacen Solo turned to the Dark Side and killed his aunt! The way the fight between Mara and Jacen went, Jacen should have died too! He had a ceiling collapse on him and yet he still survived! I understand that this was one of the easier ways to show that Ben, Luke and Mara’s son, was important, but so many people were not happy. The auther didn’t like that Mara died, and she killed her off! Timothy Zahn didn’t like how she was killed, but is willing to continue writing books with Mara in them! I just can’t wait for another book with Mara to come out! And with Timothy Zahn as the writer, makes me even more impatient! I have no idea if he is working on one right now or not!


I have yet to introduce myself and I guess there is no better time like the present. I live in the middle of a forest and I love it. The sound of the frogs in the spring has to be one of my favorite sounds when I’m falling asleep. One must understand that frogs are my favorite animal and has been for as long as I can remember. I am the third daughter out of four, though two of my sisters have moved out and are married, so it’s only my dad, younger sister, and myself. Though in all reality, I am rarely home myself between school and spending time with my boyfriend.

Let’s see, other interesting facts about me… I love to write and that is one of the best ways for me to get things off my chest. I have started so many stories, but have yet to finish one and get it published. 🙁 I am hoping to do just that this summer. At least, get one finished. I love animals and am hoping to have a husky, hedgehog, rabbit, chinchilla, cat, frog, and any other cute animals I can come up with and get people to let me have.

I have joined a Baptist church last year, though I do not agree with everything that they teach there. There is no way to agree with everything, in my opinion. I may move onto another church, but this one works for me at the moment and I love the people there! I guess that will do for now.


I should probably introduce myself, but right now I want to talk about something else. I might introduce myself next time. Anyway, I have a friend who at the moment is having a big decision to make. Her brother and sister-in-law have invited her down to Texas to be a live-in-nanny. Her brother is going over seas and her sister-in-law, I guess doesn’t want to come up here, like originally planned. I have a feeling that it might have something to do with me. I was friends once with my friend’s sister-in-law, but as seeing as she married my ex, she feels like I still want him back. If she comes up here, I believe that she is worrying about running into me after all she has said about me. I have been willing to forgive her, but she doesn’t want me to talk to her, so I have just let is slide right now.

Now, where was I? I seemed to have digressed. My friend doesn’t know what she wants to do. She has so many friends up here, plus her family, but jobs seem to be scarce up here and she needs money to keep going to school. School is expensive and she needs to continue to make money. I have been searching for a job for awhile now, but nothing seems to be available for me. Well, except if we both want to be truck drivers. 🙁 So, hopefully something will help her with her decision and we will still stay close while she is away.