I read chapter 1 of Spy School British Invasion by Stuart Gibbs in 20 minutes
For math, I watched tiktoks on how to divide polynomials. I then found some problems online and was able to solve them
History – U.S. Presidential Elections (Part 1/4)
History – (Part 2/4)
History – (Part 3/4)
History – (Part 4/4)
I had pizza rolls and gogurt for lunch
It was cold outside again today, so I cleaned my room during recess.
Cleaning my room also worked its way into Spanish class time. Instead of finishing Spanish, I watched about ten minutes’ time worth of videos about cells. The videos were made by my friend for her class, and she wanted to show me. She used horses as an analogy to explain the different parts of the cell
Morning Prep
We prayed before we started school. Christopher ate breakfast, but Luke and I did not
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – I don’t really know what it was talking about
Worship song
Bible verse; Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the spirit. -1 Peter 3:18
I swept the living room and kitchen
I read chapter 15 of Spy School Goes South by Stuart Gibbs in 20 minutes
For math, I practiced finding the percentages of random numbers. I also watched the following video:
History – The presidential elections (Part 1/5)
History – (Part 2/5)
History (Part 3/5)
History – (Part 4/5)
History (Part 5/5)
For recess, I read chapters 16-18 of Spy School Goes South by Stuart Gibbs. We didn’t go outside because it is cold out today
For Spanish, I did a full lesson on Duolingo
Way Maker
Morning Prep
For breakfast, I had a full bagel and cream cheese
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – 10am
Bible Verse; Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. -Psalms 37:4
I read Spy School by Stuart Gibbs for 25 minutes
Math – 20 minutes (Part 1/2)
Math – I watched from the timestamps 4:15-22:40 (Part 2/2)
History – 30 minutes (Part 1/5)
History – (Part 2/5)
History – (Part 3/5)
History – (Part 4/5)
History – (Part 5/5)
I read Spy School for another 15 minutes
For recess we helped bring stuff to the car, we played four square, and I raked the leaves in front of our house
Spanish – 30 minutes of Duolingo
Home Run
Morning Prep
For breakfast, I had avocado toast
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – 10am
Bible Verse; Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6
I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 25 minutes
I took a shower. I will make up math and history later
Lunch – noon
Recess – We played baseball for 20 minutes and four square for 25 minutes
Spanish – 30 minutes of Duolingo
You’re Taking a Drive
Morning Prep
For breakfast, I had cereal
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – 10am
Worship song
Bible verse; Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock Eternal. -Isaiah 26:4
I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 25 minutes
I did driver’s ed for the remaining 15 minutes of math, and I finished it during my 30 minutes of history
Outside recess – 45 minutes; We did football, frisbee, and we played a game where we tried to keep the ball from touching the ground
Spanish – 30 minutes on Duolingo
As Sharp As Cut Glass
Morning Prep
For breakfast, I made a smoothie
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – 10am
Worship Song
Bible Verse; Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. -Proverbs 27:1
I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 20 minutes
I combined math and history and replaced it with driver’s ed
For recess, we played four square in the garage for 45 minutes
I replaced Spanish with driver’s ed as well
Pulling Up to School
Morning Prep
For breakfast, I made a yogurt parfait
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – 10am
Worship song
Bible verse; Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. -1 Peter 1:3
I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 20 minutes
Math – watched the first 4 minutes (Part 1/3)
Math – Finished this video (Part 2/3)
Math – I spent the rest of the 20 minutes watching this (Part 3/3)
History – 30 minutes (Part 1/4)
History – 30 minutes (Part 2/4)
History – 30 minutes (Part 3/4)
History – 30 minutes (Part 4/4)
Recess – Four square in the garage for 45 minutes
Instead of Spanish, I worked on my driver’s ed
An Open Book
Morning Prep
For breakfast, I had two halves of a bagel, each with peanut butter and banana on top
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – 10am
Worship – 10:10am
Bible Verse: The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. -1 Corinthians 2:14
I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 35 minutes
Math – I watched the first two and a half minutes of this to review
History – 30 minutes (Part 1/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 2/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 3/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 4/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 5/5)
Lunch at noon
Recess – Played four square in the garage for about 30 minutes
I took a shower
Spanish – 20 minutes of Duolingo
Honest Abe 4 Prez
Morning Prep
Started at 9:35am, done at 9:50am
Heart Prep
Sermon Jam – 9:50am
Worship song – 9:55am
Daily Bible verse; Rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains in righteousness. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. -Joel 2:23
Started at 10:05am
I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 20 minutes
Math – 20 minutes; I ended at the time stamp 14:11
History – 30 minutes (Part 1/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 2/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 3/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 4/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 5/5)
Lunch starting at 11:50am
Outside recess – 45 minutes; We played baseball and four square